Ich suche ein Fabel von Phaedrus?

Hey ich schreibe bald eine Lateinarbeit über eine Fabel von Phaedrus und habe Vokabeln zum lernen bekommen, kann mir jemand sagen mit welchen Fabeln ich rechnen könnte?

comes, comitis m/f Begleiter, Gefährte

periculum Gefahr

aqua, ae f Wasser

silva, ae f der Wald

amicus, i m Freund

bonitas, atis f Qualität, Güte

vitium n Fehler, Mangel

fons, fontis m Quelle

fraus, fraudis f Betrug, List

sitis, sitis f Durst

cornus, us n Horn

cursus, us m Lauf

vadum, i n Grund, Boden

voluptas, atis f Vergnügen, Begierde

liquor, oris m Wasser

locus, i m Ort, Stelle

margo, marginis m/f Rand

homo, hominis m/f Mensch

vox, vocis f Stimme

avidus, a, um gierig

tantus, a, um so groß

nimius, a, um zu (groß), zu (sehr)

altus, a, um hoch, tief

validus, a, um Stark, kräftig

callidus, a, um schlau, listig

celsus, a, um hoch

inscius, a, um unachtsam

idem, eadem, idem derselbe, dieselbe, dasselbe

ille, illa, illud (Demonstrativpronomen) jener, jene, jenes

hic, haec, hoc (Demonstrativpronomen) dieser, diese, dieses

copiosus, a, um reichlich

dulcis, e süß

meus, a, um mein

suus, a, um sein, ihr

nixus, a, um gestützt

relinquere, relinquo, reliqui, relictum zurücklassen

resistere, resisto, restiti stehen bleiben, sich widersetzen

intellegere, intellego, intellexi, intellectum verstehen, einsehen

evadere, evado, evasi entkommen

venire, venio, veni kommen

devenire, devenio, deveni ankommen

decidere, decido, decidi herabfallen

descendere, descendo, descendi herabsteigen

claudere, claudo, clausi, clausum einschließen

reperire, reperio, repperi, reppertum finden, entdecken

ait er, sie, es sagt(e)

esse, sum, fui sein

posse, possum, potui können

rogare, rogo fragen

quaerere, quaero, quaesivi, quaesitum suchen, fragen

laudare, laudo loben

bibere, bibo, bibi trinken

incipere, incipio, coepi, inceptum anfangen, beginnen

moliri, molior, molitus sum beabsichtigen, planen

mirari, miror, miratus sum sich wundern, bewundern

mori, morior, mortuus sum sterben

satiare, satio, satiavi, satiatum sättigen, stillen

ferre, fero, tuli, latum tragen, bringen

fugere, fugio, fugi fliehen

an (Fragepartikel) ob

simulac (Adverb) sobald

simul zugleich

subito plötzlich

demum (Adverb) endlich, schließlich, zuletzt

tum (Adverb) dann, darauf

nunc nun, jetzt

quondam (Adverb) einmal, einst

non nicht

ut + Konj. (Subjunktion) dass, so… dass, damit, um… zu

dum +Ind. (Subjunktion) während

et (Konjunktion) und, auch

-que (angehängt) und (muss vor das Wort, an dem es hängt)

in + Akk. (Präposition) in, an, auf, nach

in + Abl. in, auf, bei

de + Abl. von (…herab), über

e/ex + Abl. aus (…heraus)

Arbeit, Übersetzung, Latein, Moral, Vokabeln, fabel, Phaedrus, Phaedrus Fabeln

"Did you ever catch yourself living in the past and losing focus on reality and presence? To some extent, it's totally normal to reflect upon great memories and experiences, but there are also some boundaries: If you are craving about the past rather than enjoying the here and now, this will lead to you always being unhappy with yourself and your surroundings. I am here to tell you that the past is there to remind you of all the great experiences you have had in your life, but you can't stick to them life-long . Even beautiful things have their ends, and you need to realize that. Just because your life goes on or some things have changed in your life, making that experience not relivable, it does not necessarily mean that your life will never be as great as it was. And remember: Maybe you are missing out on great people while crying over your best friend you lost and who was never good for you. All the changes you face are meant to occur. Despite all the shifts, there is someone who will always stay and never betray you: That's you and yourself! So don't stick to the past and other people if there are thousands of miles you need to discover before life really ends for you. Enjoy every minute and be grateful for having food, clean water, nice people, and a comfy place to live in!"

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